Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Work Overload....Can You Handle The Pressure?

Every job in the world has its ups and downs, or atleast I believe they do! Being a freelance artist is no different. I spend a lot of time doing the small things that make the difference in whether or not I get repeat business from my employers.

For example, I finished a cartoon logo for a women the other day, and the finished design was to be delivered in a simple jpeg file format. She contacted me the next day and stated that she couldn't get the white off of the image to use on her business card.  (Now keep in mind I have already been paid for the job) but in hopes that she will send me more business I changed her file from a jpeg to a png with no questions asked.

You might be wondering to yourself, why I'm telling you this. The reason is simple! The only way to be sucessful in the business world is to do the little things that keep you seperated from all the other businesses out there. Fact is, there are hundreds of freelance artist just like me, but since I do the little things...and do them well, people trust me more than the next guy.

In the end, when your being pounded by employers left and right about their designs...keep your focus! In the freelance artist world its first come, first serve. I know that you want to get started on that big job that might pay you a couple grand, but finish the little hundred dollar job you started first. It will pay off in the end.

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