Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th....Muh Ha Ha

It seems funny to me that a certain movie made back in the 1980's....Um, you guessed it.... Friday the 13th has helped make this already freaky date in history, infamous in our culture.

I mean come on...does anyone really believe that a little boy drowns in a lake, magically becomes full grown, and kills innocent teenagers wearing a hockey mask and a machete....I think not!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm a big horror fan ( mostly zombie flicks ) and Friday the 13th is certainly a cult classic. Who will ever forget the surprise ending in the first one, everybody was like "Whoa, the killer was the mom". The only thing that ruined this classic was the next movie, which introduce the new killer as a super natural phenom we all know today as Jason Voorhees.

So in honor of today's date, I thought I'd poke a little fun at Mr. Voorhee's and the legacy that this character has left behind. I mean, the last I heard the Friday the 13th series is well into double digits as far as sequels goes. I think the last one was called Jason In Space, but with how many movies they have already made I'm probably wrong!

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