Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bad Axe Lock-in.....Results

The last time I posted, I talked about the Bad Axe Lock-in. As I figured, this Las Vegas themed party....WAS AWESOME!!!! All the kids who got caricatures done where great. They made me feel at home right away asking me if I need any to eat or drink or how they could help.

At first, I thought to myself, I might not be that busy. Then when the 10:30 mark hit, I had all kinds of kids wanting me to draw them.  I had so many that a sign-up sheet was started, and by the time 10:45 hit I had 38 kids on the list. Just to give you and example of how shocking this was, if you take the 38 kids and times that by 3 minutes a face....equals 114 minutes, or just about 2 hrs of drawing!

I was so popular that the kids requested that I stay a little longer, so I gave in and stayed an extra hour. I can tell you this, I was there for 5 hours and I never once moved from my chair due to how busy I was, but it was worth it!

Hopefully, there is another lock-in next year, cuz I am so there! 

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