Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Formula For Sucess!

Hello friends,
Mickey Mouse, Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Simpsons, or any other cartoon in print, on television, or in the movies are the incredibly successful brain children of those cartoonists who had to start at the beginning and learn to draw like the rest of us. Have you ever wondered if there is some kind of formula that cartoonist use to create their cartoons?  Well, the answer to that question is “yes”; there is a formula, per se, that one must follow in order to become a successful cartoonist. The formula my friends is simple; study, study, draw, draw, study, and then draw some more. Talent and imagination are big parts of becoming successful in cartooning, but that talent and creativity will most likely never blossom into something amazing unless you learn the basics of cartooning, then study the techniques used by the “great ones” and then draw your ass off. A huge part of my growth as an artist can be attributed my massive collection of “How-to-draw” books and videos. As part of my weekly blog routine, I’d like to share the details of some of the better books that I’ve come to treasure in my collection by providing all of you with a review. There are some awesome books out there that are worth every penny, and some that are not worth the paper they are printed on, so why waste your money on them if I already have? If you have a certain book you’d like reviewed, drop me a note, chances are, I’ve already got it here. Stay tuned!

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