Monday, May 16, 2011

Boston Rob Wins Survivor......

I'm probably one of the biggest Survivor fans in the world. I've seen every season and have to admit that I couldn't stand Boston Rob the first season he played. Well wouldn't you know it, I found myself rootin' him on this season. He was still his snake-in-grass self, but I will give him props since he had complete control of the game.

In my eyes, he's the best player to ever play Survivor. Sure you can make the argument that Russel Hantz is, but Rob has this way of making you believe he'll take you to end and crush you when he gets the chance. Russel just seems to bully his way through the game and claims to be the best. I'll argue this case with anyone....

For now, all I have to say is....YOU GO ROB! spend the million dollars, you truly deserve it! 

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