Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Walking Dead Rick Grimes Comic Book Art Creation By Me

Alright my The Walking Dead fans, here's a treat from yours truly!! A walk through of how I create my comic book style artwork. This one is entitled "Ricks gone mad"

I don't have the original rough sketch picture ( forgot to take one....sorry ) This is best I can do showing the steps by step process. Maybe in the near future I'll start doing video tutorials, or of me just never know!

Heard tonights The Walking Dead episode is going to be a real tear jerker.... so bring tissues, somebody is gunna die!!

Later....fellow gore fanatics!!
Freddy K.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Did Mark Hamill Really Predict Star Wars Episode 7 Back In 1983?

I was born a long time ago, in an era not so far away....well at least long enough away that I was a still just a young whippersnapper trying to figure out the secrets of drawing!

Star Wars happened to be one of the topics that made me want to be a cartoonist/illustrator back then. I can still remember seeing Jabba The Hut, the Ewoks, Storm Troopers in the trilogies and wondered how it was all created! I was so infatuated with Return of the Jedi that I watched my VHS tape 117 times ( yes I said VHS tape ). I actually knew the entire script by heart!

So after wasting some of my life flippin' through the ol' interweb, I came across a video of Mark Hamill talking about the future of Star Wars back in 1983! What he says will almost knock you out of your seat! Watch it for yourself.....then you tell me, am I right, or am I right!!

watch the video here....

Til next time, and may the force be with you!!

Freddy K.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Cartoon

It's our favorite time of year....for eating goodies that is!! Bring on the turkey, potatoes, gravy, stuffing.....and yes the pie!! Stay safe, and happy thanksgiving everyone!!


Freddy K.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Creed's Frontman Scott Stapp Is Singing The Money Blues

The 80's hair band "Winger" said it best.....easy come, easy go!! Creed's frontman Scott Stapp is feeling that pain now a days. In a video that he uploaded onto the good ol' interweb, explains how
Scott has been living out of his vehicle and is currently living day to day in a Holiday Inn. In simple terms, he's broke!

Quite truthfully, I don't feel one bit sorry for the guy! He has had millions of dollars in the bank, ate at the best restaurants, hobbed it up with rich and famous, and now wants to cry to us that he's poor!
Booo F'in' hoo.....Scott, here's some words of advice. Go to local store, get a newspaper, look at the employment section and try to get a job like the rest of us......

Here's the story

Peace out my millionaire wannabe's

Freddy K.....out!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Howard The Duck Series To Return In 2015

How many of you remember the comic book Howard The Duck, or the movie that came out in 1986? Well guess what.....the quack is back!! Fans of the comic ( were not expecting, but were delighted to see ) Howard in the end credits of Guardians of The Galaxy movie. Which lead Chip Zdarsky to reveal yesterday the comic series is coming back! You can read the full story in the link below!

I'm a Howard The Duck fan, and can't wait to see what's in store for the new series. I also read in the article that we will find more info on Bev ( Leah Thompson's character in the movie ) what happened, where is she?

As a tribute along with being a fan, the Howard image with seductive red head ( above ) was created by yours truly! If you would like to own a piece of my artwork, here's your chance! It's for sale on eBay right now! Here's the link check it out!

Til next time my wide eyed wanderers....

Freddy K.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Caricature Plus A Death Prediction

Since there is only two episodes left until the mid-season break of AMC The Walking Dead. I thought it would be a good time to reveal the Daryl Dixon caricature I did about three weeks ago. He has one of those faces that are real easy to caricature. 

At first I was just going to draw Daryl by himself, but then at the last minute, I added the zombie with the an arrow sticking out of his head. I had to add a little comedy in there! Plus it helps balance out the design with the crossbow in there as well.

I'm not looking forward to The Walking Dead break. Simply because I'm so hooked on the show that I hate waiting a week just to see the next episode. 

So, with that said it's time to release my death prediction for 1 of the next two episodes of The Walking Dead. Since Carol Peletier and Beth Greene are both trapped in the hospital. Both seem to be the loves of Daryl Dixon life, my prediction is one of them is next to die. Truthfully, I believe it will be Beth Greene to die. 

Carol seems to be more of the fan favorite, and we haven't seen much of Beth at all this season. She's part of the team, but admit it......if she died on the show, would you really miss her? My case in point is Bob's you miss him now? I didn't think so! He was part of the team, but not that strong of a character!

Til next time, my fellow deadites.....

Freddy K.    

Friday, November 21, 2014

My Wonder Women Art On Ebay

Quick....what color are her eyes?......caught you staring at something other than her face didn't I!
Well that was the whole point of this illustration. I wanted to create a sexy, kind of erotic Wonder Women.

This comic book style artwork can be yours! It's up for auction on Ebay as you read this! It was create with traditional pen and ink, and colored with colored pencil.

The link is below....

Til next time my fellow peeping toms...
Freddy K.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Creation Of A Holiday Postcard From Sketch To Completion

Original Pencil Sketch

After Inking....Some Color Added

The Finished Product

Alternate Image With Holiday Lettering Added

There it is, a unique creation of a holiday postcard to send out to friends and family! Interested in your own? Don't hesitate to contact me by commenting or contacting me on FB. 

Here's the link

Until our next adventure, my fellow monsters of mayhem!

Freddy K.....signing out!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Bill Cosby Under Fire For Rape Charges

It seems that Bill Cosby has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar, or should I say "lots of cookie jars" from the recent allegations aimed at the comedian/actor. I don't know if he did it or not, but I wouldn't put it past him! We have seen lots of celebrities get caught up in sex scandals in recent if we can ever forget the Tiger Woods saga!

As a kid I can remember people making jokes about Mr. Rogers ( who we depicted as a molester ) just because he thought it would be cool for us to be his neighbor!! If you stop and think about it, Bill Cosby almost had the exact same outfit as Mr Rogers, yet we never saw Bill in the same way. Go figure!!

In the end, he has made his millions and lived the life that most of us can only dream about. There's not much to take away from the guy now, so close to the end of his life. Even if he is found guilty of all the charges against him, he'll always be known as one of the kings of comedy. Look at Richard Pryor, he set himself on fire and we still see him as an american comedian icon!!

Enjoy the sketch, and my crappy attempt at comedy!

Til next time fellow creepers
Freddy K.


Monday, November 17, 2014

How To Draw Tutorial On Hands

It's been a couple of days since I have blogged....(Deer hunting season, what did you expect). So for this post I decided to give the gift of knowledge with my personal How To Draw Hands Tutorial. 

If the image is to small to see, feel free to leave a comment along with your email address (in the comment) and I'll email the full size version. Can't beat that deal!!

Til next time,
my fellow pimps, players, and hustlers....

Freddy K.....out!! 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Kim Kardashian Shows Us Her True Talent....Once Again

When in doubt, stick it out.. is the motto that Kim Kardashian is using now a days. We all know that she doesn't have much talent, so why do such a thing? Well the answer is! 

I believe that Kim Kardashian thought her star power ( along with her boobs ) could some how stop the world in its tracks, freeze the internet, stop the presses, or whatever else is out there worth stopping.....uhhh guess what Kim, WRONG!!

Her attempt was feeble to say the least! Sure, she got some more exposure, made a little jingle for the piggy bank, and stirred up some of the men in the world who enjoy looking at women as eye candy, but and the end of the day you still have no talent. 

I know that you have millions in the bank to fall back on, but let's see you pull that crap when you're in your 50's  

Til next time my fellow hooligans!   

Freddy K.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I Believe It's Beer thirty Time

I've done a lot of editing to the blog this week! So much editing that it caused me to miss a couple of days of posting. That makes me angry! You wouldn't like cartoonist when angry (IN HULK VOICE) 

So, with all of that said.....Its time for beer thirty!
Do you know what time beer thirty is?

It's that time of day when your work is all done, and your completely exhausted....yet you have just enough energy to knock a cold one back.

You just entered.....BEER THIRTY!!

Also, so you don't think I'm sexist I created one for women also....

Enjoy....and stay thirsty my friends!

Til the next great white hype!
Freddy K. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Under Construction

                  Image from:

Sorry I haven't had a chance to blog of late. I have been adding in new features to the blog in hopes of making it the most spectacular cartooning blog on the planet (thats the goal....anyway)

Should be back up in running very shortly.....thanks for baring with me!

Later, my fellow worldly travelers!

Freddy K.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Gold Rush Quick Sketch Of Tony Beets

I've watched Gold Rush since its first episode a couple of years ago, and will admit I love the show. 
Great characters the entertain us, filled with heroes, villains....and lazy people all chasing the American dream of financial freedom. 

The Lazy Ones...
First off, the Hoffman clan are bunch of idiots....(I'm trying to be nice) but come on, why you leave the Klondike at all? We all know the saying "The grass isn't always greener, on the other side of the fence" If the Hoffman's would have remembered that they all would be millionaires by now!

The Hero....
Parker Schnabel, a young man still in school, trying to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather....It doesn't get more any more American than that. Parker goes to his grandpa seeking for his wisdom 
( whose advice for his age is priceless ) and includes him in his own ups and downs because he knows his time with him is short.

The Villain....
Tony Beets ( The Viking ) he looks the part, talks the part, and gobbles up gold just like a true viking should. Don't get me wrong, I would be the same way if I had the same gold mining set up as him. It can't be easy raking in millions of dollars worth of gold in just 5 short months. Still don't be fooled, on the show his wife complains that they need money, but we all know that guy wipes his a$$ with 100 dollar bills! 

It's a great show, and I hope the Hoffmans someday will find that leprechaun at the end of the rainbow, but until then maybe that should just run as much paydirt as they can!

Til the next sketch....

Keep drawing my friends!
Freddy K.     

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Time Just Slips Away.......

Time is a wonderful thing when you have lots of it! Of late, it seems like I don't even have enough time to blog....what the hell. So in honor of time slipping through my fingers I thought I would create a quick cartoon of me trying to wrangle that feisty beast!

Good night peeps!!

Keep on a drawing!
Freddy K. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Space Robot To The Rescue

Had some family over this weekend so I didn't get a chance to blog at all. I'm posting a illustration I did about a year ago. I was trying to go with a robotic/sci-fi feel on this one. I'll have more for you tomorrow!

Keep drawing!!
Freddy K.