Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Own Logo Got Me A Job!!

The last time I posted, I was in finishing up a metal detecting logo for myself which I called the "Monster Coin Hunter." Well as luck would have it, that logo found its way to a company in Texas called Vertex AirSoft (check it out already...would ya!!)

 The owner sent me an email asking if I would sell the logo for his metal detecting business.... In case your wondering I didn't sell it, but instead made a new one! I kept the overall design very simular to the first one by exagerating some of the features to giving it that RatFink kind of look.

So I have decided to post this design process again. The reason I'm blogging about this subject again is due to that I used a different software program to create this logo. The first one I used a combination of Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop to create it. This time I only used AI ( Adobe Illustrator ) for the whole thing. With that said check out the original ink drawing that I did.

Also, If you would like to take a sneak peek at what the finished logo looks like you can see it here. The website is still in construction, but the image is on there in the logo tab...

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