Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Metal Detecting Logo.... Stage 2 Inked Image!!

As promised, here is the inked image from the original pencil sketch that I posted yesterday. This completes stage 2 of the 4. Here are the stages again just as a reference.

1. Pencil Sketch
2. Inked drawing
3. Color stage
4. finished image on T-shirt

I actually inked this image the old school way and used pen and ink on paper. Most illustrators today tend to do this digitally using software like Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter, and ArtRage. Any of these programs will give you result like I have shown here. The only reason I tend to ink with pen and ink is due to the fact, if I ever become famous for my artwork then I have originals that could be worth some big money...Well that's the plan anyways!!

Come back tomorrow and see how I add color to this logo.

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