Thursday, October 23, 2014

Albino Deer Bagged By 11 Year Old In Michigan Stirs Up Controversy

Here ya go... more pros and cons for you about hunting in the good ol' US of A. One side of the group says what the boy did is perfectly legal! The other side screams foul, as the deer just happens to be extremely rare. ( I heard that only 1 in 100, 000 are ever born ). Is it a rare species, or just a deer? Who knows...what's your opinion? I would love to hear it!!

In my opinion, the child did nothing wrong.....Kudos to you, and nice shootin' kid. Still others will see it differently. With that said, I couldn't help but poke a little fun at the whole situation, so enjoy the cartoon above. 

Here are some more links about the story...

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