Being a child of the 70's has its ups and downs, but one thing is for sure, I'm glad I was! The newer generations of kids growing up are going to miss out on watching influenceable actors such as Leonard Nimoy.
For the people who grew up watching Kirk, and Spock battle Klingons and aliens from other planets only you will understand what I am talking about. We know Star Trek opened the doors for feature films like Star Wars, The Last Starfighter, Enemy Mine, and even Aliens!
Leonard Nimoy will always be remembered as "Spock" from Star Trek, but honestly, not a bad character to be remembered as! Lets face it, Spock was truly one of the most badass characters ever created. He kept you check, with his logic ( Yeah I'm talking about you Kirk ). He had the Vulcan grip that took you down. He could also read your you couldn't hide or lie anything from the guy. Not to shabby if you ask me!
Looking back now, I can see how Sci Fi characters like Mr. Spock have had a great influence on me. Along with helping me to think outside the box when it comes to my art and character design. Which I will be forever grateful for!
So without trying to sound too cliche'
May you live long, and prosper.....fellow artist, and RIP Leonard Nimoy!
To infinity, and beyond...
Freddy K....